



Museum Passes

Please note: Many museums require ticketed, timed entry and proof of vaccination to enter their buildings. It is up to you to confirm a museum’s hours and COVID-19 guidelines prior to your visit. 

The Maplewood Memorial Library Museum Pass program allows you to visit area attractions for free! The passes are available to Maplewood adult resident library card holders only. Courtesy and ReBL patrons should check with their home libraries. We are grateful to the Friends of the Maplewood Library for generously funding this program.

Maplewood Library Museum Pass Policy:

  • Passes may be borrowed by ADULT RESIDENT Maplewood Library cardholders with outstanding FINES OF LESS THAN $10.  

  • Patrons must present their library card or ID when checking out a Museum Pass.

  • Passes are checked out from the Adult Services Circulation Desk at 129 Boyden Ave. 

  • Passes must be returned in person to the Adult Services Circulation Desk at 129 Boyden Ave. prior to closing on the due date. Do not return passes in the book drop. 

  • Passes may be borrowed for up to 3 days and are limited to one pass per family at a time. 

  • If you’re unable to use a reserved pass, please cancel your reservation so the pass will be available to others in the community. You can cancel a reservation on the booking site, or by calling or emailing the Circulation Desk prior to the reservation date. 

  • Passes returned late will incur a fine of $5 per day, with a maximum accrual of $100.

  • Lost passes will be billed at full replacement value, as determined by the museum.

  • All contents of the envelope must be returned.

  • Failure to return the pass envelope will result in a fine of $5.



