Books + More
Digital Magazines have moved to OverDrive and Libby. Now you can access all of your eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines on a single convenient platform! Enjoy them on your computer or portable device.
BCCLS members now have access to over 3,000 magazines simultaneously. These include popular titles we have had like The Economist and magazines in several languages such as Spanish and Chinese.
Supported Devices:
Android devices (4.0 / 4.4 or higher)
Apple iOS devices (9.0 or higher)
Windows 8/10 devices
Kindle eReaders & Fire tablets
Kobo eReaders
Nook tablets & eReaders
PCs, Macs, & Chromebooks
News Record of Maplewood and South Orange
Part of the online digital collection of Maplewood Memorial Library
Newspaper Source Plus
Full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Proquest Historical New York Times 1851-2013 (for access from home use login ID “maplewoodml” and password “Welcome20!”) Full coverage of the historical New York Times