Books + More
ReBL + Interlibrary Loans
ReBL + Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary Loans
Maplewood Library is now a member of BCCLS, Bridging Communities, Connecting Library Services, a consortium of 79 public libraries in northern New Jersey with a shared catalog. You may place requests for any of the more than 5 million items available within the system.
If the item you wish to borrow cannot be found within the BCCLS system, we can attempt to borrow it through Interlibrary Loan. Items published within the last six months cannot be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan. If your request is for a new item, you may wish to request that we purchase it.
Interlibrary Loans may be requested at the library service desks, or online through the New Jersey State Library’s JerseyCat Inter-Library Loan System. You may request up to five Inter-Library Loans per week.
Note: You may also request photocopies of magazine articles. The library owning the magazine may charge for making the copies. By requesting a photocopy through Interlibrary Loan, you are agreeing to pay a copying fee up to $10.00 should there be such a charge. For more information please email
Maplewood Library is also a member of the Reciprocal Borrowing Libraries (ReBL) group of Essex County libraries. Limited borrowing privileges are available at most other Essex County libraries with your ReBL sticker. Get a ReBL sticker for your library card at any circulation desk. ReBL stickers must be renewed annually, and they are free of charge.
Items not available in the BCCLS system may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Enter your request online through JerseyCat, or ask for assistance at the reference or information desks.